There are some cooking techniques I kick myself for having learned much later in life than I should have. Properly blooming spices is one of those techniques. For the longest time I just threw some dried spices, in whatever quantity the recipe called for into the pot and moved on. It was not until a trip to turkey and an amazing home cooked meal there that my journey to blooming spices began. After returning home i tried and failed to make the same Turkish meatballs I had been served abroad. it was over those many attempts to replicate the dish that I finally learned the error of my ways.
The Process
Blooming spices is a pretty easy process simply heat he spices in some oil until fragrant, then commence cooking. The results are anything but simple. For very little effort you get deeper more developed flavors and for my money a better dish all around. The blooming process can take some of the edge off spices like chillies. It can help recover product that is a bit past its prime. Perhaps best of all it fills your kitchen with the wonderful smells of a well-developed dish.
This is a great way to improve your cooking night in and night out with very little effort.
learned something new
This is a delicious idea